Your Health Passport: Our Comprehensive Guide to a Healthier, Happier Lifestyle

During Workplace Health MOT’s 1-to-1 sessions we use a simple, yet innovative tool to support employees in their journey towards better health: the Health Passport. This 16-page booklet is designed to facilitate our staff health screening sessions, offering a wealth of information, advice, and tips to help individuals lead healthier, happier lives.

Introduction to Your Health Passport

The Health Passport is more than just a booklet; it is a personalised health guide tailored to each individual. During our 1-to-1 sessions, employees have the opportunity to explore various aspects of their health with the assistance of a fully qualified nurse. Each section of the Health Passport is discussed in detail, providing insights into current health status and areas for improvement. The booklet is packed with easy-to-understand infographics, hints, and tips, making complex health information accessible and actionable.

Sections of the Health Passport

1. Body Mass Index (BMI)

Understanding your BMI is crucial for assessing your body weight relative to your height. This section helps individuals learn what their BMI means for their overall health and provides tips on how to achieve a healthy weight.

2. Capillary Blood Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can lead to serious health issues, such as heart disease. The Health Passport includes a section on capillary blood cholesterol, explaining what your cholesterol levels indicate and offering dietary and lifestyle changes to manage and reduce cholesterol.

3. Capillary Blood Glucose

Monitoring blood glucose levels is essential for preventing and managing diabetes. This section provides information on what normal blood glucose levels are and suggests ways to maintain healthy levels through diet and exercise.

4. Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The Health Passport explains how to measure and interpret blood pressure readings and provides tips on maintaining healthy blood pressure through lifestyle adjustments.

5. Pulse

Your pulse rate can offer insights into your heart health. This section discusses how to check your pulse and what your pulse rate indicates about your cardiovascular fitness.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol consumption can have various effects on health. This section helps individuals understand the impact of alcohol on their bodies and provides guidelines for moderate consumption, aiming to reduce alcohol-related health risks.

7. Smoking

Smoking is a leading cause of many chronic diseases. The Health Passport offers resources and tips for those looking to quit smoking, highlighting the immediate and long-term benefits of a smoke-free life.

8. Food

Nutrition plays a vital role in overall health. This section provides practical advice on maintaining a balanced diet, understanding food labels, and making healthier food choices.

9. Hydration

Staying hydrated is essential for bodily functions. This part of the Health Passport explains the importance of hydration and offers tips on how to ensure adequate daily water intake.

10.Physical Exercise

Regular physical activity is key to maintaining health. This section outlines the benefits of exercise and provides suggestions for incorporating more movement into daily routines.

11.Mental Health

Mental well-being is as important as physical health. The Health Passport includes strategies for managing stress, improving mental health, and seeking support when needed.


Good sleep is critical for overall health and well-being. This section offers advice on improving sleep hygiene and establishing routines to ensure restful and restorative sleep.

Workplace Health MOT – Health Passport – © Copyright 2024

Building a Comprehensive Health Picture

Each section of the Health Passport includes a scorecard, which allows individuals to assess their current levels and thoughts about each aspect of their health. This helps build a comprehensive picture of their overall health, identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement. The scorecards are designed to be simple and straightforward, ensuring that individuals can easily track their progress over time.

My Action Plan

The final section of the Health Passport is the ‘My Action Plan.’ Here, with the guidance of a trained practitioner, employees can develop a personalised plan to make positive changes in their lives. This action plan is tailored to each individual’s specific needs and goals, ensuring that the steps they take are both achievable and effective. The ‘My Action Plan’ section is a powerful tool for setting realistic health goals and outlining the steps needed to reach them.

A Year-on-Year Health Tracker

One of the most valuable aspects of the Health Passport is its ability to be used year-on-year. By regularly reviewing and updating the information in the booklet, individuals can monitor their progress and maintain best health practices. This ongoing process helps reinforce positive habits and ensures that health goals remain a priority. By offering detailed insights, practical advice, and personalised action plans, it empowers individuals to take control of their health.

Whether it’s reducing alcohol consumption, managing stress, or improving diet and exercise habits, the Health Passport provides the guidance needed to make lasting, positive changes. 

What health activities are right for your business?

Invest in your health today with the Health Passport and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life. For more information on our services and how we can support your business, contact us today

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